Multiple projects regarding to Data Structures and Algorithms course

Designing and implementation of:

  • the Trie Dictionary (k-ary search tree)
  • the Rat in the maze problem (Backtracking & Stacks)

1- Maze-Solver

This maze moves to 8 directions also 8-1(previous position)

for run this maze solver you first of all you need to download it and after that u need to addresing to a file that you save your maze by this format: | Wall = 1 | Dir = 0 | | ——– | ——- |

the format of your text file :

0 0 0  
0 0 0  
0 0 0
0 0 1 0  
0 1 0 0  
0 0 0 0  
1 1 0 0 

after that you run it
the result is best dir + and the sum of founded dirs and runtime

Note: you just need to change the dirctory of the text file that i addres it in my maze
change it in to your own text file and enjoy it

2- The Trie Dictionary

Dictionary written with dic of python (k trie)

This is an Dictionary written with dic(map) of python that you can insert your word and Translation of that you can import word’s and that’s translation from file and from command

and also you can see translation of word by searching word and a feature is that you can search all of the word that start with a same char (actuly showall() method find all of the word (by dfs) and show to you)

in below example i ignore then translations

ex: input  »


if your search is ab*
the result is :
__ __
if your search is a*
the result is :
__ __
the format of input.txt file is like example below

word: meaning