Connect an existing MySQL database to a Django project

In the following project, we’ll connect an existing MySQL database to a Django project

In the following repo, we’ll connect an existing MySQL database to a Django project

Connect Django Project to MySQL

1 - Install django, mysqlclient

pip install django
pip install mysqlclient

After installing these requirements, you need to connect Django project to the new database.

2 - Create Database and Insert Data

We should create the schema in database and then run below command

python migrate

after running this commad all the tables will create inside our database. —

3 - Set username and password in

Into the ` config > and to the DATABASE ` section, set the database config like this format:

you need to change the <<username>> and <<password>> of this section to your own information

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': 'learn',
        'USER': 'root',
        'PASSWORD': '123123123',
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': '',

After doing above steps Django is connected to the database.

4- Adding requirement tables for log in to the Django-admin:

by running migrate command django automatically create its requirements table into database:

python migrate

Now the Django’s requirement tables are created and we should create a superuser to can Log in to the Django admin:

python createsuperuser

and fill the requirement with fake info. and then log in with that info.

Explain Queries

All Queries Are in all >

1 - SELECT all Student that their mark >= 10:

                            SELECT stu_id
                            FROM participated 
                            WHERE mark >= 10

2 - SELECT all Student that their mark < 10:

                            SELECT stu_id
                            FROM participated 
                            WHERE mark < 10

3 - SELECT all Student that their balance > 70: We should get balance from Students table so we should join participated and students to get access balance:

                            SELECT stu_id
                            FROM participated 
                            natural join students
                            WHERE balance > 70

4 - UPDATE Mark in Participated table:

with connection.cursor() as c:
            UPDATE participated
            SET mark = 9.99
            WHERE mark IS NOT NULL 
                AND mark < 10

5 - UPDATE Mark in Participated table:

with connection.cursor() as c:
            UPDATE participated
            SET mark = mark + 1
            WHERE mark BETWEEN 10 AND 19

6 - SELECT username of Students table:

def sql_username(self, obj):
        p = Students.objects.raw(f"""
        SELECT *
        FROM students
        Where stu_id = '{obj.stu_id}'
        limit 1
        return f"{p.username}"

In also you can see more similar example.